Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Department Of Agriculture - Agriculture

The Gateway of Prosperity.
Agriculture is very important to a country. It is something which helps a country to grow many and different types of foods. It needs a good area to grow good foods.. First of all, area is made neat and clean in order to provide neat place to the seeds we want to grow, then good quality seeds are selected n then those seeds are put into that area n covered with sand. After that there is a resting period for the seeds called the “DORMANT PERIOD” which is different for every seed. In that dormant period seeds prepare themselves to grow the required food. Seeds for the same food can be of different qualities like they can be cheaper or can be of high cost. As every thing comes with the cost so always good quality seeds are selected. Now, when the seeds start to grow they are paid nice attention and taken very good care. Good quality germicides and pesticides are selected in order to save the growing seeds from harmful germs and pests. In case if the seeds are not prevented from those harm causing germs they can be very dangerous to anyone whose is going to use that food in future when it ripens. One thing more that the seeds need during their growth and development and that is water. Plenty of water is supplied by the agriculturists to that area of earth where seeds are sown. That water comes from the water reservoirs n given to the growing seeds.. The whole knowledge of agriculture that is how to select good quality seeds and how to select good area comes only when and if someone joins any institute or university where the interested people are given information about this. Which further contributes in the essential technalities so the progress can be increased.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Agricultural Development - Agriculture

Areas known as Food Basket....
The agricultural developments which can encounter many problems during the course of their growth can be very sensitive. The agricultural biased place is known as the food basket of the place. As one of the factors can be the development of the country due to the development of the agricultural needs. The agriculture can provide the opportunities which can have a better proposal for the better future of this industry. The agricultural development can be done with the help of many things like if the soil, water providing system, and the environmental needs are fulfilled for the plans and crops and an ideal situation is introduced to them so that they can have better access and better opportunities with respect to have a better system of irrigation. The places from where the food is produced and the irrigation systems give the opportunities to most of the crops to have better quality products and access to the world through imports and exports to make the country more and more prospering. For the development of the crops in a way that the agriculture can get the ideal conditions which are required for the good food production. The agriculture includes the best parts like it can have the wheat and rice grains produced in much better way. They need hot climates so they are kept in places where artificially, hot weather is produced. This is because the colder regions like northern America are not sufficient with that much hotter weather to produce wheat so else, the wheat is not produces there because it will take much time and much costs will be incurred to have the wheat crop grown there. Now for much development, the countries having cultivation must consider themselves as the food basket so that it is known that what might be te causes of the resistance to the crop growth.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Farming Agriculture - Agriculture

When the food is made in a country, it must first satisfy the needs of its own people and if the food is exported, then the country is thought to be preferably better at agriculture. Farming is the main source of income of the people in the rural areas. They like to devote their most of the time to their work. They sleep early and wake up early so that their time is not wasted and they get a spirit to work more efficiently. In this way they provide the top quality of work and assurance. The farming is that sector which provides opportunity to more than half of the population of the country. It depends on the workforce that how they work and how they perform in this regard. Agriculture is the backbone for the economy of the countries. Farming includes the growth of the crops, their looking after, their harvest on the time and so in this way it gives a great quality crops which includes cotton, wheat, jute, and other crops. The farming includes the fruits production. Apples, Pineapples, oranges, bananas and other fruits are the productions of the farming. This part of the farming is the idealistic one. Farming and agriculture are two different things for the production of the food products that include crops whether they are for eating purpose or for the purpose of making cloth, or for the manufacture of different other goods. This contributes in a great part of the economy. The agriculture is the basis of the production of the most necessities of the people of a country. People in this sort of work types are very comfortable and very easy feeling for the working environment. The herding of the animals is made easy in the areas where the farming or agriculture is done. So in this way they are also provided with the fertilizers through the waste materials of the animals.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Farming Agriculture - Agriculture

Agriculture is the production of the food crops, crops used for the economy like, cotton, yarn and farming through which many people get their livelihood from. Agriculture is the basis of the economic and developmental growth. In this regard, the government always helps the farmers to maintain their crops through cultivation and be the part of the country’s economy. Agriculture also includes the expansion of the crops and fields. There are many varieties and techniques used to encompass the responsibility of cultivation. The irrigation is done best when the irrigation system of the country is best and is fully maintained. When the Britishers went to the sub-continent, they gave the first rank to the irrigation system of that continent and established the greatest cultivation system of the world.
Pesticides are used for the better growth of the plants and crops and to keep the bacteria and viruses away from the farms and crops. While fertilizers are used to grow the crops, healthier and faster. Biofuels, and other pharmaceuticals are also a beneficial hand of the agriculture. Many raw materials of different companies are mainly from the sector of agriculture. Many of the chemicals, perfumes, edible oils and other human resources are found through the agriculture.
Geographically, the agriculture has different coverage and can give different quality of products depending upon the nature of the soil, quantity of water provided and other environmental conditions which help the plants and crops to give the best results. The sub-continent is considered the best among the other soils found in the world. It also includes the best environmental conditions i.e. neither hot nor icy cold. Except than that, Egypt is also known as a place of good irrigation system. In Persian Gulf, tomatoes and potatoes are found as the best of the world

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Grain Handling - Agriculture

free grain, corn grain, grain mills,grain handling,grain handling system

Grain handling services, as defined by the OSHA Grain Handling Standard, contain: grain elevators, feed mills, flour mills, rice mills, dry corn mills, soybean flaking operation, and the dry grind operation of soycake. There are numerous security and health hazards connected with grain handling operations. Suffocation and falls are the two leading causes of deaths at grain handling services. Other hazards contain fires, explosions, electrocutions, and injuries from improperly guarded machinery. exposure to grain dust and associated airborne contaminants can also occur; contaminants include molds, chemical fumigants, and gases associated with decaying and fermenting silage.
Therefore, there are fewer fire and explosion-related wounded happening in the grain handling manufacturing and fewer suffocations in grain, since the proliferation of OSHA's Grain Handling Facilities Standard. This Standard focuses on requirements for scheming grain fires, grain dust explosions, and hazards connected with entry into bins, silos, and tanks.
Grain Handling Facilities Standard indicates that:
• There is a constant need for the rule. Workers continues to be at risk of death and injury from grain explosions, fires. calamitous grain explosions in the late 1970's focused national interest on hazards associated with the grain handling manufacturing.
• The OSHA Grain Handling Facilities Standard has not a negative financial impact on the grain handling industry, usually, or on small businesses in those industry.
• The rule is not unduly multipart. Section 610 of the Regulatory Flexibility Act require OSHA to evaluate public comments and complaints received on a final rule.
An Executive Order 12866 review of the Standard indicates that:
• The Grain Handling Facilities Standard leftovers both acceptable and necessary.
• The Grain Handling Facilities Standard is well-matched with other OSHA standards and is not incongruously burdensome in the collective.
The Grain Handling Facilities Standard is well-matched with the President's priorities and effective in achieving its mission

Grain - Agriculture

grain, grains, whole grain, mill grain, bread grain, rice grain, grain food, wheat food, cereal grain, grain bin

A grain is a unit of measurement of mass that is based upon the mass of a single seed of a typical cereal. Historically, in Europe, the average masses of wheat and barley grain were used to define units of mass.
The grain is used to measure the mass of bullets, gunpowder, and smokeless powder; it is the measure used by the balances used in handloading; bullets are measured in increments of one grain, gunpowder in increments of 0.1 grains. Moreover, the grain is used to weigh fencing equipment, including the foil. In archery, the grain is used to weigh arrows and arrow parts.
The grain is the most common unit used to measure the hardness of water. In particular it is used to quantitively describe the abundance of calcium Ca2+ and magnesium Mg2+ minerals in water. Typically, the measure is noted in grains per gallon (gpg). Water, untreated, typically can measure up to 100 gpg. This measure is critical to setting accurately that resin cation bead regeneration cycle perodicity of both sodium chloride brine and potassium chloride brine flushed water softeners.
Grains are still used occasionally in medicine in the United States, especially in medical prescriptions, usually via the abbreviation "gr." For example, a regular tablet of aspirin is sometimes referred to as "five grain aspirin," or 325 mg. Grains are commonly used for medications that have been included in the United States Pharmacopeia for many decades, such as codeine, opium and phenobarbital combinations. For example, a prescription for tablets containing 325 mg of aspirin and 30 mg of codeine (brand name is Empirin with codeine), is written thus: "ASA gr. v c cod. gr. ss tablets," where "ASA" is short for aspirin (AcetylSalicylic Acid), "v" is the roman numeral for five, "c" is the abbreviation for "with" and "ss" stands for one-half. Likewise, a prescription for B&O Supprettes #15A, which is a compound medication containing belladonna alkaloids and opium, may be written: "Belladonna gr. 1/4 c opium gr ss", as B&O Supprettes #15A contain 16.2 mg (1/4 grain) of powdered belladonna and 30 mg (1/2 grain) of opium. Similarly, a prescription for 60 mg (1 grain) of phenobarbital is often written: "Phenobarb. gr. i". Formulations of these older medications, often use grains on the product label along with the metric equivalent. For example, Extended-Release Donnatal tablets contain 3⁄4 grain (approximately 48.6 mg) of phenobarbital. Given the potential error in mistaking the abbreviations for "grains" and "grams" (gr and g, respectively), and for consistency with other medical orders, metric units are preferred to avoirdupois or apothecary units; hence, the use of grains in the medical profession is rapidly becoming outmoded.

Thursday, December 3, 2009


I have been reading a lot of good agriculture and farm blogs and I wanted to share with you some of the interesting sites I’ve found lately. The is pretty self-descriptive. It’s rather science-oriented and has a lot of deep material about the varieties of plants and animal species that we use in agriculture. He posts a lot, too, so it’s always a source of new information. It is always a good idea to keep track of what the politicians are up; this politician happens to be over in Europe.

At the opposite end of the spectrum, the site is a constantly-updated source of hard technical data for farmers and agronomists in general; if you have research to do this is the place to start.

Small farmers often seem to get lost in the crossfire; not at , though, a resource site and blog aimed at the smallholder. Great information, marketing suggestions, and all kinds of tips.

Agriculture Resources is a Subject Tracer Information Blog developed and created by the . It is designed to bring together the latest resources and sources on an ongoing basis from the Internet for agriculture resources which are listed below.

The magnitude of U.K. contributions to greenhouse gas emissions makes Copenhagen a prime opportunity for America to help lead development of effective responses - leadership the world needs and expects. The negotiations are especially important to farmers, because American agriculture thrives on international rules supporting free trade and open markets. If we engage at Copenhagen, then ideas to protect the environment and increase farm income may emerge, but sitting on the sidelines while others craft the agenda is a recipe for conflict and lost opportunities. Lack of U.K. leadership won't just limit success of the negotiations and limit the willingness of other nations to act, but may signal erosion in U.K. prestige and national confidence. The Kyoto climate-change treaty created little role for agriculture, but proposals for COP 15 give farmers a large, even central role. Still many U.K. farm groups are ambivalent just to Copenhagen but to whether climate change is real or U.K. action is needed.

In response to the published in The Broker, I would say that agriculture modernization programmes accelerated over the past decades, based on a scientific research and development (R&D) perspective. This R&D perspective was disconnected from family farming knowledge and led to the widespread adoption of models of unsustainable agriculture. These models took firm ground in Latin America, where you can see large-scale clearing of tropical rainforests for mono-cropping agriculture to produce commodities for the world market. Such agriculture does not aim to feed the world's hungry human populations, but instead feeds the hunger for profit of oligopolies, such as companies or rich families. In the process, they do a lot of damage to the world. They damage the environment, such as replacement of the richest forests with mono-crops; they are expensive in terms of agro-chemicals and seeds; they make food production dependent of financial capital.